• Musings

    Parenting in the time of Covid-19

    Covid-19 has been a pandemic now for almost six weeks. The Texas governor on Friday closed all schools, public, private and secondary education for the remainder of the current school year. Munchkin has been distance learning for three weeks and he’s got frequent Zoom meetings happening with his teacher and classmates each week and they will be continuing until the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Last week one of his classmates shared that they were sad they won’t be back at school this year for any field trips or fun activities that their teachers had planned for them. Hearing the sadness in the students voice made me sad and…

  • Musings

    Wait, what’s going on?

    Sorry for the lack of posting earlier. The month of February saw myself and Mister getting sick (flu-like) and then early March saw Munchkin getting sick (positive for flu-A) causing him to start Spring Break early, then the hot mess that is the Covid-19 pandemic happened. To be blunt and honest, I’m scared. I don’t know how this all will end, or when, but I am trying to rely on the fact that God knows how and when it will end. Doesn’t help sometimes when I’m feeling overwhelmed and Satan is sitting on my shoulder whispering that my anxieties are fact and I that I should feel hopeless. Anxiety in…